Friday, August 14, 2009

Do you see what I see?

Alright. As I am apparently the only person who sees the crazy "train personalities," I'm going to do my best to record them.

Now, "Suit Man," or Vincent P. Falk, isn't a train personality. But he was on the internet. IN FACT, he has his own website. He does a lot of dancing and has about 4 million suits. Here's a photo of him when he was not dancing at the globes exhibit:

SO FANCY, GUYS. He's apparently a programmer for the county and lives in Marina City. Lucky! AND SO FANCY.
Anyhow, I saw the "Anointed Cloth" guy on the green line this morning - haven't seen him in a long while. Anybody see any of these personalities on the trains? Here's the short list of those I can think of:
1. Anointed Cloth Guy - Sells blessings for a quarter. Has "anointed cloth" in blue, yellow, red, green... Not that I can recall which color means what. Older, wears a suit and a baseball cap.
2. Stick Man - Blind gentleman. Older. Frequently on the red line, often during busier hours. Whacks people with his cane, and is often heard to say "I can't see you if you don't donate, so don't feel ashamed." Or something of the like.
3. Music Man - Younger guy on the Green Line (I think exclusively). Often seen on the AM commute. When I first moved here he had one song, and apparently wrote a second one sometime about two years ago. I have only ever heard this second song since. He's very talented, making reggae-sounding raps and beatboxing. He's pretty popular and very friendly.
4. Southern Silence - Deaf gentleman who wants you to sign a petition for a deaf school in Alabama. It's on a clipboard, and the paper is usually yellow. Often on the red line late at night.
Can you think of anyone I'm forgetting? Does anyone have any photos or information about any of these people?
Anyhow, stay classy.

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sunshine, ponies, gumdrops, rainbows